

伪瞳孔 -简述


伪瞳孔 -重要的有关研究资料1(十分难得的资料!)



  Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1997. 42:147–77


  c 1997 by Annual Reviews Inc. All rights reserved


  Michael F. Land

  Sussex Centre for Neuroscience, School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex,

  Brighton BN1 9QG, United Kingdom

  KEY WORDS: vision, eye, optics, acute zone, interommatidial angle


  The acuity of compound eyes is determined by interommatidial angles, optical

  quality, and rhabdom dimensions. It is also affected by light levels and speed

  of movement. In insects, interommatidial angles vary from tens of degrees in

  Apterygota, to as little as 0:24 in dragonflies. Resolution better than this is not

  attainable in compound eyes of realistic size. The smaller the interommatidial

  angle the greater the distance at which objects—prey, predators, or foliage—

  can be resolved. Insects with different lifestyles have contrasting pattes of

  interommatidial angle distribution, related to forward flight, capture on the wing,

  and predation on horizontal surfaces.

伪瞳孔 -伪瞳孔成因


  More recently, measurements of“德尔塔phi” have involved the use of the pseudopupil

  in its various forms. The pseudopupil, typically a black dot that appears to move

  around the insect’s eye as the observer’s viewpoint changes, marks the ommatidia

  that image—and absorb light from—the observer. Thus a line joining the

  pseudopupil to the observer’s eye is the direction of view of the ommatidia in

  that region. Local measurements of “德尔塔phi” can be made easily by rotating the eye

  through a known small angle (a) and counting the number of ommatidia (b)

  crossed by the pseudopupil, “德尔塔phi” is then a=b. Typically, measurements are made

  with the animal centered on a goniometric stage, and the pseudopupil is observed

  or photographed through a microscope (23). Where the interommatidial

  angles are small, as for example in the acute zones of dragonfly eyes, the best

  pseudopupil image lies some distance below the coea (the deep pseudopupil),

  and it is important to use a small microscope aperture so that both coea and

  pseudopupil can be visualized together. Because the pseudopupil is actually

  a magnified image of both the rhabdom and its surrounding pigment, its center

  must be located to find the ommatidial axis direction. Usually this is not

  a problem, but where interommatidial angles change rapidly, the pseudopupil

  becomes asymmetric and care is required.




伪瞳孔 -不同状况下的伪瞳孔


  In dark colored eyes the pseudopupil is often not apparent. Crossed polarizing

  fibers can be used to cut down reflections, but a more generally useful technique

  is known as the antidromic pseudopupil (15). Here the center of the head is

  illuminated from below, and light finding its way into the proximal part of

  the rhabdom(ere)s is emitted from their distal tips. This produces a luminous

  pseudopupil, which can be examined in the sameway as the dark “orthodromic”

  kind. Pseudopupil methods are discussed and reviewed in references (14, 23,

  76, 87).

  这就是说(这如果我理有误敬请指出),昆虫在暗处也有伪瞳孔,只是由于其眼部构造上的一种“交错的偏振性纤维”遮挡了反射光(这个我的确是从未注意到过的,对我来说确是个新发现。)文中指出,用光照射昆虫头的底部,就能在相近的视杆束(小眼)末端(就是解剖学上最深处的尖端)看到发光,这种状态下“发光的伪瞳孔”叫做“逆式伪瞳孔(antidromic pseudopupil)”,可用与那种通常情况下不发光的伪瞳孔(这个称顺式伪瞳孔,英文orthodromic pseudopupil)相同的测量方法(上面我的翻译中已提到)来进行测定。


伪瞳孔 -总之,昆虫的复眼就是复眼
